
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, many of us are either already returning to work or will be doing so soon. While staying at home was relatively safe, going back to the workplace brings about various concerns and anxieties. With so many guidelines and precautions to remember, it can be overwhelming and anxiety-inducing. That's why it's essential to seek advice from professionals who can provide accurate information and guidance. To help address your concerns, we interviewed Dr. Li Nan, Deputy Director of the Respiratory Department at Beijing Hong Kong Macau International Medical Clinic. Here are some of the most pressing questions answered by Dr. Li. Make sure to save this information for future reference.

Question 1: Is it necessary to wear gloves and goggles when going out?

Answer: For the general public, wearing gloves is not necessary unless you have broken skin. If you want to keep your hands warm, opt for regular fabric or cotton gloves and remember to clean them regularly. Wearing goggles is not required for the general public; it is only necessary for healthcare workers on the frontlines. Properly wearing masks and practicing good hand hygiene are more important.

Question 2: Do viruses linger on office surfaces and elevator buttons for a long time? How can we protect ourselves?

Answer: It's not about how long viruses can survive, but rather the higher risk of exposure in frequently touched areas like elevator buttons and doorknobs. To protect yourself, increase the frequency of disinfection, use tissues or disinfectant wipes to avoid direct contact, and practice good hand hygiene after touching these surfaces.

Question 3: How often should we ventilate the office space?

Answer: It is recommended to open windows for ventilation 2-3 times a day, with each session lasting for about 30 minutes. Choose periods with ample sunlight and ensure proper warmth for the individuals in the office.

Question 4: Should we frequently disinfect items like phones and keys?

Answer: It is advisable to practice regular hygiene and occasionally disinfect frequently touched items. You can use alcohol wipes to clean and air-dry your phone and keys. However, washing hands regularly is more important.

Question 5: What is the safest distance to maintain from colleagues in the office?

Answer: It is essential to maintain a safe distance of at least 1 meter from others. Additionally, consider arranging workspaces to avoid face-to-face interactions, which can help reduce the chances of transmission.

Question 6: Should masks be worn throughout the workday?

Answer: The need for continuous mask-wearing depends on the distance between colleagues and the ventilation conditions in the office. Masks are the most effective protective measure, but if everyone is healthy and the workspace is well-ventilated, wearing a regular mask or not wearing one may be acceptable.

Question 7: Can masks be reused?

Answer: Generally, regular medical masks, also known as disposable masks, can be reused if they are not soiled, damp, or damaged. Place the mask in a clean, dry, and well-ventilated area to air-dry it before reuse. However, healthcare workers in densely populated areas or those involved in COVID-19-related work should use surgical masks. It's important to consider individual circumstances and conserve medical resources.

Question 8: Is it true that infection can occur within a short period of contact? What are the reasons?

Answer: The key factors are the proximity to an infected person and the lack of necessary protective measures. COVID-19 primarily spreads through respiratory droplets when breathing, talking, coughing, or sneezing. The probability of transmission increases significantly when in close contact with an infected individual who is not wearing a mask. Therefore, it is crucial to wear masks when visiting crowded places until the situation is under control.

Question 9: Is there a risk of infection when ordering takeout during work hours?

Answer: The risk of infection is minimal if both parties practice proper precautions. When receiving takeout, make sure to wear a mask and wash your hands after unpacking. Opt for hot food instead of cold dishes and consider bringing your own meals when possible. Also, ensure that meat and eggs are thoroughly cooked. If purchasing fresh fruits, choose ones with peels or ones that can be peeled.

Question 10: Can I go to work if I have a slight cough or cold symptoms?

Answer: It is advisable to stay at home and rest if you suspect that your cough is due to a cold. Maintain a safe distance from family members, wear a mask, and prioritize rest. Working while sick can lower your immune system, so taking time off at home not only protects yourself but also your colleagues.

Question 11: Is airborne transmission confirmed?

Answer: Airborne transmission of COVID-19 has been confirmed but is more likely to occur in specific environments with high concentrations of the virus. In ordinary indoor spaces, opening windows for ventilation significantly reduces the chances of airborne transmission. Outdoor spaces have even lower possibilities of airborne transmission due to immediate dilution of the virus in the air. As a reminder for office workers, limit gatherings and prioritize strengthening your immune system through exercise and adequate rest.

Remember, these guidelines are subject to change as new information emerges. Stay updated with the latest guidance from health authorities and implement necessary measures to protect yourself and others.