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Recognizing the Early Signs of Cancer: 20 Warning Signs to Watch For

Cancer is a highly malignant disease that can often lurk without showing any obvious symptoms. However, some people may show obvious abnormal signs, and it is important to take these signs seriously. Dr. Pan Zhanhe has summarized 20 relatively typical signs of cancer. Once these symptoms appear, it is important to go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible. For example, long-term non-healing mouth ulcers may be a sign of oral cancer, while recurrent nosebleeds may be a sign of nasopharyngeal cancer; persistent dry cough with blood-streaked sputum may be a sign of lung cancer; headaches, projectile vomiting, and visual impairment may be signs of brain tumors; progressive difficulty in swallowing may be a sign of esophageal cancer... these symptoms should not be ignored. If you or someone around you has these symptoms, it is important to go to the hospital for timely examination in order to detect and treat them early. The early signs of 20 types of cancer are worth our attention. Some common manifestations include characteristic changes in the skin and nipples of breast, cervical, and endometrial cancer, bloating, abdominal pain, lower abdominal masses, and ascites of ovarian cancer, hematuria, back pain, and abdominal masses of kidney cancer, painless macroscopic hematuria of bladder cancer, urinary frequency, urgency and urinary tract irritation of prostate cancer, as well as painless masses of testicular cancer. In addition, other manifestations include painless lymph node enlargement of lymphoma, alcohol intolerance and skin itching, unexplained bone pain and pathological fractures of bone tumors, abnormal changes in moles of melanoma, and unexplained fatigue and weight loss of various cancers. Understanding these signs and early diagnosis and treatment are very important.